Becoming a (better) Service Designer

Table of Contents Who is this for? What makes Services Different: Service Characteristics How to Design a Service: Service Components The Service Mindset Service Design Tools Conclusion Next Steps 1. Who is this for? While respecting the difference between knowledge and mastery of a subject, my goal in this article is to give readers an... Continue Reading →

A Handy Experience Design Framework

Back in college, I was taught “The 5 P’s of Service Design” by my professor, Dianna Miller, as a useful method for considering the ways in which an experience can be understood, designed, or modified. Since then, I’ve often thought of these “P’s” as the levers and dials that can be pulled or adjusted to... Continue Reading →

Interesting Service Characteristics

(Originally published in November 2014) As stated in an earlier post, a service is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “the action of helping or doing work for someone.” By breaking this definition down, we see a service is comprised of three things: an intangible good (the outcome of the action), a provider, and a... Continue Reading →

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