Amusing Offering: Free Sunscreen at the Park

“SPF is your BFF”

“[IMPACT Melanoma partners with] forward-thinking cities, citizens, non-profit organizations, and businesses of all shapes and sizes [to] make a positive impact on the health of their community by installing convenient and attractive sunscreen dispensers in high-traffic areas and outdoor spaces.”

This kiosk is a great example of something I heard a couple years ago: Instead of positive or negative rewards, the best way to change behaviors is to remove the barriers to a different behavior.

In this case, the City of Boston wants its citizens and visitors to make healthier decisions. The best way to keep people from thoughtlessly exposing their unprotected skin to the sun is to make sunscreen free (removing cost) and readily available (removing required time and planning).

Design Considerations:
How might we identify and remove barriers to desired behaviors?

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