Amusing Offering: Free Sunscreen at the Park

“SPF is your BFF” “[IMPACT Melanoma partners with] forward-thinking cities, citizens, non-profit organizations, and businesses of all shapes and sizes [to] make a positive impact on the health of their community by installing convenient and attractive sunscreen dispensers in high-traffic areas and outdoor spaces.”— This kiosk is a great example of something I heard a... Continue Reading →

Yosef’s 11 Design Principles

Good design is both comprehensive and ethical.This is how to do it. Put Persons FirstBe a champion for improving quality of life. Everything else is secondary. Seek DiversityEngage and work with a wide range of people – especially extreme users, positive deviants, the overlooked, and the disenfranchised. Collaborate ContinuouslyInvolve and empower stakeholders throughout the entire... Continue Reading →

Amusing Offering: Lost Person’s Bench

Located near the entrance of the MacMillian Pier in Provincetown, MA – this bench’s label provides more laughter and photo opportunities than actual functionality to passing tourists.Looking passed the comedy, however, this bench acts as a reminder to build in fail-safes in preparation for common or drastic issues. Design Consideration:How might we avoid bad experiences... Continue Reading →

A New Model for the Design Thinking Process

(Note: This article’s intended audience is mid-to-seasoned design practitioners. I will make a simpler post for new learners soon.) Why do we need models in the first place? As a designer, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing for days or decades, it’s inevitable that you’ll be asked to explain what you do and how... Continue Reading →

Reaction: A Good Samaritan?

“Dear whomever finds this cup, may you please recycle me. Thankya so much.— a negligent neighbor” There was a recycling bin maybe 20-30 feet away, but I was so amused by the note that I took a photo and left the cup so other people could experience the same joy. While the note failed at... Continue Reading →

Amusing Offering: The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders

“All of our servers are people living with dementia. They may, or may not, get your order right. However, rest assured that even if your order is mistaken, everything on our menu is delicious and one of a kind. This, we guarantee.”— from: “They expected mistakes, so [they] were ok with it.”— Shiro... Continue Reading →

Experiences aren’t Quantities

(Originally published in September 2015) “A fundamental problem in business is that business tools are nearly completely quantitative. . . The qualitative is almost ignored completely or nonexistent in any kind of organization’s decision-making process — but it’s always driving customer decisions.”— Nathan Shedroff, Chair of the MBA in Design Strategy at CCA To improve the depth of understanding... Continue Reading →

How do you know when you’re successful?

This blog post (originally published in April 2015) is the first of two parts about alternative metrics. “What you measure affects what you do. If you don’t measure the right thing, you don’t do the right thing.”— Nobel Prize Winning Economist, Joseph Stiglitz Part 1 — The Shortcomings of Traditional Metrics When gauging the value and success... Continue Reading →

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